Home » Σεμινάριο 14/05/25, Niels Obers (Niels Bohr Institute)

Σεμινάριο 14/05/25, Niels Obers (Niels Bohr Institute)

Την Τετάρτη 12 Μαίου στις 12:00 ο Niels Obers (Niels Bohr Institute) θα δώσει ένα διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο.

Η μετάδοση θα γίνει μέσω Zoom:

Meeting ID: 937 6395 8045
Passcode: 719752

Ακολουθούν ο τίτλος και η περίληψη της ομιλίας:

Title: A BPS Road to Holography: Decoupling Limits and Non-Lorentzian Geometries

Abstract: I explore decoupling limits that lead to matrix theories on D-branes, focusing on their BPS nature and the emergence of non-Lorentzian target space geometries. In these limits, D-branes experience instantaneous gravitational forces, and when applied to curved geometries, it is shown that a single decoupling limit leads to the AdS/CFT correspondence. By applying two such limits, we generate new holographic examples, including those with non-Lorentzian bulk geometries.  I also discuss the relationship between matrix theories and non-relativistic string theory, and their uplift to M-theory. Finally, we demonstrate that reversing these decoupling limits connects to the TTbar deformation in two dimensions. This provides a new perspective on the near-horizon brane geometry and leads to TTbar-like flow equations for the Dp-brane DBI action. 

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