Home » Σεμινάριο 12/02/25, Justin R. David, (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)

Σεμινάριο 12/02/25, Justin R. David, (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)

Την Τετάρτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου στις 11:00 ο Justin David (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) θα δώσει ένα διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο.

Η μετάδοση θα γίνει μέσω Zoom:

Meeting ID: 966 4122 5286
Passcode: 027583

Ακολουθούν ο τίτλος και η περίληψη της ομιλίας:

Title: The large N vector model  on a sphere and at finite temperature 

Abstract: The $O(N)$ vector model with a quartic interaction in 3 dimensions is an one of the most well studied quantum field theories. It is important to describe strongly correlated physics and its non-trivial fixed point at large $N$ serves as the holographic dual to Vasiliev’s higher spin theory on $AdS_3$. In spite of the extensive studies, there is no systematic study of the model on $S^1\times S^2$. We develop a method to evaluate the partition function and energy density of a massive scalar on a 2-sphere of radius $r$ and at finite temperature $\beta$ as power series in $\beta/r$. Each term in the power series can be written in terms of polylogarithms. We use this result to obtain the gap equation for the large $N$, critical O(N) in the large radius expansion. Solving the gap equation perturbatively we obtain the leading finite size corrections to thermal one point functions in the model. This includes one point functions of the higher spin, $s>2$ currents of the model for which we use the Euclidean inversion formula. The talk will begin with a brief introduction to the relevance of finite temperature physics in holography.

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