Σύμμορφες Θεωρίες Πεδίου και Κβαντικές Μεταβολές Φάσης
(Α. Πέτκου, M. Vilatte, S. Li, Γ. Κατσιάνης)
Ολογραφία και Αντιστοιχία Ρευστών/Βαρύτητας
(Α. Πέτκου, M. Vilatte, S. Li, Γ. Κατσιάνης, Γ. Καλαμάκης)
Τροποποιημένες Θεωρίες Βαρύτητας
(Α. Πέτκου, Δ. Ιωσηφίδης)
Θεωρητική Πυρηνική Φυσική
The Nuclear Theory Group (NTG) focuses on the study finite nuclei properties, nuclear matter and heavy ion collisions. Part of the study is dedicated to the bulk properties of finite nuclei as well as exotic and neutron rich nuclei. Additionaly NTG is also actively engaged on applications of Nuclear Astrophysics, working mainly on supernovae and neutron stars and heavy ion collisions. NTG has also a long list of quantum information publications and is continuously trying to apply related results to interdisciplinary applications.
Θεωρητική Φυσική Υψηλών Ενεργειών και Στοιχειωδών Σωματιδίων
The Nuclear Theory Group (NTG) focuses on the study finite nuclei properties, nuclear matter and heavy ion collisions. Part of the study is dedicated to the bulk properties of finite nuclei as well as exotic and neutron rich nuclei. Additionaly NTG is also actively engaged on applications of Nuclear Astrophysics, working mainly on supernovae and neutron stars and heavy ion collisions. NTG has also a long list of quantum information publications and is continuously trying to apply related results to interdisciplinary applications.
Κβαντική Θεωρία Πεδίου, Θεωρία χορδών, Ολογραφία
The Nuclear Theory Group (NTG) focuses on the study finite nuclei properties, nuclear matter and heavy ion collisions. Part of the study is dedicated to the bulk properties of finite nuclei as well as exotic and neutron rich nuclei. Additionaly NTG is also actively engaged on applications of Nuclear Astrophysics, working mainly on supernovae and neutron stars and heavy ion collisions. NTG has also a long list of quantum information publications and is continuously trying to apply related results to interdisciplinary applications.
Σύμμορφες Θεωρίες Πεδίου και κβαντικές μεταβολές φάσης
The Nuclear Theory Group (NTG) focuses on the study finite nuclei properties, nuclear matter and heavy ion collisions. Part of the study is dedicated to the bulk properties of finite nuclei as well as exotic and neutron rich nuclei. Additionaly NTG is also actively engaged on applications of Nuclear Astrophysics, working mainly on supernovae and neutron stars and heavy ion collisions. NTG has also a long list of quantum information publications and is continuously trying to apply related results to interdisciplinary applications.